G. Osti Sistemi srl
Italian exclusive dealer of Anviz products®

We support Anviz products® as technical support, repair and replacement.

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We support customers and resellers with Anviz® products

Advanced solutions and support for sale and development of your customers

Rivenditore esclusivo prodotti Anviz® Rilevazione Presenze Controllo Accessi

G. Osti Sistemi srl is a reference in Italy and Europe for the distribution and support about Time and Attendance Devices and Access Control.

Our company makes a primary partnership with Anviz®, a leading brand in the sector at a global level, of which we are exclusive distributors for Italy, and is composed of a staff of experts at your service to always offer a quality product, in able to improve customer productivity, also providing both pre and post sales support.

Trusting in our professionalism is the right choice for ideal partner to increase the productivity of your business having the security of a consultancy to make the most of your Anviz® products, and after-sales support for the replacement and repair of components guaranteed, efficient and fast.

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